Engage Sports Blog Youth Sports Matters

Youth Sports Management Tips & Best Practices

Heat-Related Illnesses, How to Prepare, Recognize Signs and Take Action to Keep Our Young Athletes Safe

By Engage Sports on 7/31/2019

As the new school year approaches that means the start of practice for our High School and youth fall sports.  With the scorching temperatures we have been facing it is more important than ever to educate coaches, parents and all athletes about heat preparedness before they take the field.  Be proactive in your awareness!

Suggested steps to take before you hit the field:

  1. Take time to get acclimated.  Recommend that your athletes spend incremental time outside to build up a tolerance.
  2. Stay hydrated.  This may seem like a no-brainer, but most people drink when it's too late.  Start hydrating before, during and after you exercise in the heat.   
  3. Listen to your body, it is talking to you.  When you or someone else notice signs of a heat-related illness STOP immediately and start taking action.

 The CDC created an info graph to break down types, signs and steps to take when dealing with heat related illnesses.

General Resources:



Engage Sports

Co-Founder and Chief Technologist for Engage Sports, providing sports league websites, online registration and league management. Over the years, Rich has coached football, basketball, baseball and fastpitch softball. He has also severed as a board member for football and lacrosse organizations in the St. Louis area.


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