Broadcast, brackets, CMS update & more...
For how-to articles about the new tools, please visit our knowledge base. Highlights include:
- Newly re-vamped Broadcast module
- Tournament bracket building
- Updated Content Management System with new Blog and Events modules
- Game scheduler usability improvements
- Display age group hierarchy on Edit Event and Manage Age Group screens
- Installment receipts now reflect portal information
- When a user is refunded, the paid role is now removed from the user's profile

Broadcast messages to your families about anything and everything! "Registration is open!" "Fields closed, practice cancelled."
Send to teams, roles and/or individuals. Send email and/or text messages. Tweet that message. All your communications are now in one place -- no need to use separate modules for Team Alerts, League Alerts and Newsletters. Now you can just Broadcast!
Read our knowledge base article about how to send your next Broadcast.
Bracket Builder

Tournament brackets were released last month and were used by Gateway Football League for their playoffs.
Now you can build your championship backets right from the dashboard. Running a tournament has never been easier. Build your championship bracket with our bracket builder and schedule games using the field scheduling tools. As scores are reported, standings and brackets update automatically, all right on your website!
Read our knowledge base article about how to create a Tournament Bracket.