Engage Sports Blog Youth Sports Matters

Youth Sports Management Tips & Best Practices

Term: Management
15 found

Youth Sports Associations Struggle to Recover from Flood Damage

By Paul Langhorst on 1/10/2016

Kirkwood athletic association flood damageYouth sports association, leagues and municipal recreation programs are struggling to recover form record breaking floods that hit the Midwest in December.  Heavy rains that soaked the region for days causing rivers, creeks and drainage systems to flood. Youth sports organizations with outdoor sports programs rely on flat open ground for fields and that ground is often found in flood plain areas.  While ideal for playing fields, such geographic placement is a double edge sword; the ground is cheap as business and homes typically avoid it, but the low-lying ground is prone to frequent flooding


9 Best Practices for Improving Athletic Association Financial Controls

By Paul Langhorst on 11/10/2015

check handling best practicesImproving the check acceptance process is a goal for many athletic associations and leagues. Here at Engage Sports, we find that “pay-by-check” is still a significant part of the registration process; in some cases it is the only method of payment used, while in others, mixed payments (credit cards and checks) are accepted for either the entire registration process or parts (work duty deposit). While checks have been accepted for years, they require special care and attention.  Recently we spoke with our friends at Fuse Financial Partners to learn more about preventing fraud and abuse when accepting checks.  Let's get started...


8 Ways to Save Time When Managing a Sports Association

By Paul Langhorst on 10/21/2015

Are you a stressed out, busy volunteer running a sports association? Help is on the way! You can improve your management process and save your sanity by following these 8 Time-Saving Ways that will keep you better organized, reduce your stress level, and get more input and involvement from others. Let's get started...



Social Media Tips for Youth Sports Leaders

By Paul Langhorst on 9/17/2015

As a youth sports leaders, whether coach or association director, social media your best aid communication and promotional aid. Social media is how busySocial Media for Youth Sports people now stay connected and up-to-date.  Social media can help manage your team, recruiting players, keep parents up-to-date, share your success, and keep player and parents alike, motivated and engaged.  Each social media tool has its unique position and should be used like layers of a cake when baking up your overall communications plan. Here are tips to make your use of social media in coaching more productive.


5 Tips to Effectively Communicate Rule & Policy Changes in Youth Sports

By Paul Langhorst on 8/10/2015

Following these 5 simple steps will help youth sports association and league administrators improve rule and policy change communications. The result will be smoother rule and policy announcements and improved communication with coaches, staff, and parents.  



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